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The Best Fly Boxes on the Market

Whenever I visit a fly shop, I am fascinated by the bee shelves. I will show you how to store them in this guide for the best fly fishing boxes.

I have collected hundreds of samples over the years. Yet I find myself repeatedly picking something up here and there, passing through beehives. When I get home, I draw new patterns and start altering the boxes of dry flies, wet flies, nymphs, emerges, streamers, and terrestrial animals. It’s a never-ending process, but at least for me, it’s a fun one.

The next question that always arises is which box to choose for which situation. My general preference is to lower my gear and go to the water with the least amount of things in my pockets. Of course, there are situations when you need a certain range of different types of bees. Still, I try to select a few from each category (dry, wet flies, emerging, ground, etc.) and put them all in one or two boxes. I don’t like the tight pockets of my jacket, vest or weather. It feels great and is a hindrance to my casting.

1. Outdoor Planet Fly Box

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The outdoor planet fly box is enclosed with a silicone ring, giving you an airtight box that prevents water from entering. As well as keeping your bees dry, the box also floats, so you can catch it before it reaches the bee. Under a lake or stream.

The box is big enough to hold 100 bees. It is true that these flies are mostly nymphs and small dry, but there is an option to catch them if needed.

Its dimensions are 5 ″ x 3.3 ″ x 1.6. It is large enough to hold some streamers but is not ideal for large streamers that can be used on saltwater fish, pike, musk, or other large game fish.

Plastic is so durable that it can last you several seasons before it needs to be replaced. This is ideal for either Weekend Warrior or just Casel Angler who does not want to break the bank.

2. Tacky Original Fly Fishing Fly Box

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This clean fly box is compact but can still catch hundreds of flies. It is perfect for small flies and will make an ideal fly box for nymphs or some mop flies. Slotted foam inserts on this product keep your bees clean, thanks to the unique silicone anchoring technique.

The use of silicone is a talented measure because it can withstand water, temperature fluctuations and sharp hooks. Also more durable and long lasting than silicone foam.

The Tiki Fly Box has a hard plastic exterior to protect your bees. As a matter of fact, you can find your bees quickly and easily. Magnetic closures are also a nice feature – no need to mess with Fidley Leach anymore!

A one-way box can hold 168 bees, while a two-way box has an impressive capacity of 336. Enough to meet your every need or enough to satisfy the bee’s desire for a day’s fishing, whatever the situation!

So if you are looking for fly boxes for small to medium sized bees, get this product. You will not regret it.

3. Tacky Original Fly Fishing Box

Tacky Fishpond Original Scatole Mosche Fly Box 7
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Orvis Tacky Original was a difficult box to find anything negative. While there is no closing leach, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a strong grip. Instead, it uses magnets, which make it easier for you to open and close.

Silicone pads allow you to organize your files as you wish. It catches your flies more tightly, does not absorb water, can withstand wide temperature swings, and is extremely durable. Therefore, it will not explode with your hook points.

Scatter-resistant construction is ideal for every angle. It doesn’t matter if you are a guide, a strict weekend angler, or just a novice who enjoys going out a few times when the weather is good.

This two-way box can hold 336 bees, giving Angler no excuse for not having the right bee for the day. With a two-way box, you will have plenty of room to meet your needs.

4. Kingfisher

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Kingfisher flyboxes are great flyboxes for boats or long fishing trips where you want to grab a wide range of bees. This is because the product has a simple double swing leaf, which allows you to pack more bees into the flybox.

There’s plenty of room for all your fly patterns, and the transparent lid makes them easy to find. Stainless steel hinges open easily, and the box closes securely and securely.

The foam and plastic used for this product are both high quality and long lasting. Kingfisher flyboxes are made of hard ABS plastic that does not dent, scratch or break under pressure. Also, if it gets out of your hand, it floats – so you don’t run the risk of losing your precious beehive.

5. Aventik Streamer Fly Box

The Aventik Streamer can be the best streamer fly box. It can be used to catch salmon flies, large olive bugs, saltwater flies and streamers. It is also very deep, 3.35, so it can handle some large bees that you intend to throw.

The cover is made of hard and durable polypropylene, which is perfect for anglers who are tough on gears. The box measures 14 ″ x 11 ″ x 3.35, giving it a reasonable size without being too big or heavy.

You will also find that the box contains three different foam slits that you can use to insert and then store your bees. Foam inserts have an adhesive on the back so they can easily fit inside and stay there.

There is also a rust preventer on the entrances. It helps protect your thorns and flies from rust and corrosion. The box also comes in three different colors: gray, yellow, and olive.

It could also be the best saltwater flybox and one of the best fly fishing boxes on the market in 2022.

6. New Phase Fly Box

New Phase Fly Box Medium Waterproof Magnetic 6 Bay
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This clean fly box is compact but can still catch hundreds of flies. This is perfect for small bees and will make an ideal fly box for nymphs. Slotted foam inserts on this product keep your bees clean, thanks to the unique silicone anchoring technique.

The use of silicone is a talented measure because it can withstand water, temperature fluctuations and sharp hooks. Also more durable and long lasting than silicone foam.

The Tiki Fly Box has a hard plastic exterior to protect your bees. As a matter of fact, you can find your bees quickly and easily. Magnetic closures are also a nice feature – no need to mess with Fidley Leach anymore!

A one-way box can hold 168 bees, while a two-way box has an impressive capacity of 336. Enough to meet your every need or enough to satisfy the bee’s desire for a day’s fishing, whatever the situation!

So if you are looking for fly boxes for small to medium sized bees, then grab this product. You will not regret it.

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